Re: What are the most-viewed fonts in the world?
Most websites have indeed switched to webfonts. According to the same above-mentioned Web Almanac (https://almanac.httparchive.org/en/2024/fonts), 87% of websites served to desktops use hosted webfon…3 -
Re: Condensed Light vs. Light Condensed
There are several separate pieces of this. The heuristics, algorithms and naming choices I was talking about were all in the context of a loosening of technical restrictions that we were plotting ar…4 -
Re: Condensed Light vs. Light Condensed
Acumin is split up into subfamilies. Even with proper typographic families enabled, for the non-variable version, each width is a separate family. Hence the unusual (for Adobe) naming order. Adobe’s …4 -
Re: IPA: Best practice?
Yes. As a broad matter, all combining marks should have zero advance width, and then it is up to you how to position them within their advance width. Glyphs App as I understand it will zero the advan…1 -
Re: Weapon of choice
For a mouse, I am very happy with the Logitech MX Master 3S. Big, fits my hand perfectly, has extra buttons if I want or need them, can be configured for major acceleration via Logitech drivers, so I…3